Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mallery's Eyebrows

I have been blessed by knowing more genes that I share with my family members.... especially eyebrows.

After society evolves in the past hundred years, in 20th into 21st century, it became more fashionable for us ladies to wax our eyebrows.

It became so that my mother introduced eyebrow waxing to my sisters and I at young age.

It became a norm. To the point when I sent my aunt a multimedia message via cellphone.

She replied, "Your eyebrows needs waxing."

"Shuuush" was my reply.

I can picture my aunt smiling, "Well, young'un, wait until you're my age and you will do UPPERLIP and chin hair waxing!"

I rose my unwaxed eyebrows, and texted directly to the direct gene-supplier, my mother.

"Do we really have hair on our chin and upper lip when we become older?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Gwen waxes mine like eyebrows," Mom's usual blunt, nonsensical reply.

"Ohmigoodness. My innocence is ruined. I thought I ddnt have to worry about that. :( until Ellen said that." was my immediate reply, imagining the different eyebrows and upperlip waxing.

Mallery Eyebrows.