Sunday, July 8, 2012

1,230 miles journey

Bella and I left Gooding for a long journey that was broken in half with a visit with cousin Linda Hanson in Billings over supper. Then we drove some more. The human drove. Canine sat and slept, stated at the landscape.

We arrived to my family farm and had a good visit with parents and grandparents.

Louisville, Kentucky is next. It is by airline this time so my Ingrid the Impala can rest for a bit.

Monday, July 2, 2012

1,230 miles journey

Bella and I left Gooding for a long journey that was broken in half with a visit with cousin Linda Hanson in Billings over supper. Then we drove some more. The human drove. Canine sat and slept, stated at the landscape.

We arrived to my family farm and had a good visit with parents and grandparents.

Louisville, Kentucky is next. It is by airline this time so my Ingrid the Impala can rest for a bit.